Receta Oven Fried Gefilte Fish

- Soak the bread in water and squeeze dry. Mix all the ingredients except the oil and form into patties. Place the patties in a baking pan with warm oil and bake in a 400 degree oven till the fish is nicely browned (about 45 min), turning once. Serve warm or possibly cool. This dish is often served for the second or possibly third Sabbath meal.
- [[Spike is surprised to see which carp is listed in this recipe. There was a Filipinoman living next door for awhile. He had a concrete container in his yard, which was like a pond, only square. It was about 2 ft. x 2 ft. by 2 ft. in size, and it had a drain in the bottom. I asked him what it was for and he explained which he wouldfish in the nearby river (Willamette in Oregon) and catch carp. He would put thecarp in there, fill it with fresh water. Every day he would feed corn meal to the carp, clean and drain the pond, and fill it with fresh water. He would do which for 3 weeks. By which time, he said, all the 'impurities' were purged from the fish and it could then be decapitated, cooked, and eaten. The reason for the pond size was so which the fish could not do a lot of swimming and thereby lose weight.]]
- [[Carp has another useful purpose. My mother, an avid gardener, would always have a line in the water (we lived on a lake). If she caught a carp, she woulddispatch it with a pitchfork and bury it in her garden to enrich the soil.
- Sometimesshe didn't bury it deep sufficient, and our dog, a rather uppity Brussels Griffaun,would dig it up and roll in it. She must not have been very smart, because which behavior led invariably to the hated DOG-BATH.]]