Receta Overnight Porridge With Crunch Oat Topping

- For the topping place the oats sugar and salt in the small roasting tin.
- Set on front of bottom runners of roasting oven.
- Bake for 6 to 8 min turn the tin round or possibly stir well and cook for a further 5 to 8 min or possibly the sugar just begins to heat and the oats are palest golden brown colour take care not to burn.
- Leave to cold and store in an airtight jar or possibly tin.
- For the porridge put 1 c. of oats in an ovenproof earthenware or possibly glass casserole and add in 2 c. of water.
- Place at the front of the grid shelf on the floor of the simmering oven.
- Leave overnight.
- Stir in lowfat yoghurt and return to the ovenfor 2 to 3 min then serve topped with crunchy toasted oats and lowfat milk extra lowfat yoghurt or possibly cream.
- The flavour of the whole rolled or possibly flaked oats is retained much better than finely milled oats. If you can't easily obtain jumbo oats use the same rolled oats for the topping. aga tip: if making a double quantity of the topping in the large roasting tin stir every 5 min or possibly so to ensure the mature does not burn at the back of the oven. A wonderful everyday treat. For speed and ease this recipe is given using a teacup as a measure (180 ml). If desired larger portions of porridge then use a mug allowing up to half a c. or possibly half a mug of oats per person. The topping can be made in bulk in advance and kept m an airtight tin or possibly jar.
- Serves 2