Receta P. F. Chang's Chocolate Torte

- Preheat oven to 325 degrees.
- Heat butter in a medium saucepan over low heat. Add in chocolate chips and stir occasionally till chocolate is completely melted. Be very careful not to overcook chocolate or possibly it may burn and taste funny. Not funny ha-ha - funny strange. Remove chocolate from heat.
- Beat 4 Large eggs till fluffy in a large bowl, then add in sugar and vanilla and mix well till sugar is dissolved.
- Temper the egg mix by mixing in just a few Tbsp. of the hot chocolate. This keeps the Large eggs from cooking. Add in the rest of the chocolate and mix till well combined.
- Pour the batter into a 9-inch springform pan which has been lined on the bottom and sides with parchment paper (butter the pan before you add in the parchment paper - the butter will make the paper stick). Bake for 40 to 50 min or possibly till middle of the cake begins to hard up. Remove, cold, cover and refrigeratethe cake till you are ready to serve it.
- As the torte bakes, prepare vanilla sauce by combining cream with 1/4 c. sugar in a medium saucepan over medium-low heat. Use a knife to scrape the seeds from inside the vanilla bean, then add in the seeds and the bean pod to the pan. Heat mix, stirring often, just till boiling then turn off heat. Watch the cream closely so which it does not boil over.
- In a medium bowl whisk together remaining 1/4 c. of sugar and egg yolks till smooth. Temper the egg yolks by adding a few Tbsp. of the warm cream mix. Pour the entire mix back into the saucepan and heat it up again, stirring often till it begins to boil. Immediately pour the sauce into a medium bowl which has been set in a larger bowl filled with ice. This ice bath will help to quickly cold the sauce so which it doesn't curdle. Cover and refrigeratethe sauce till you are ready for it.
- Make the raspberry sauce by pureeing the thawed raspberries in a blender. Add in 2 to 4 Tbsp. of water to thin the pureed berries a bit - if your berries have a lot of juice add in 2 Tbsp. of water; if they have just a little juice, add in 4 Tbsp. of water. Pour pureed berries into a medium saucepan over medium heat. Add in 3 Tbsp. granulated sugar and 2 Tbsp. of raspberry liqueur to the pan. Heat till boiling then remove raspberry sauce from heat. Cover and refrigerateit.
- When you are ready to serve your torte, first spoon some raspberry sauce and vanilla sauce onto a plate. Carefully place the slice of torte on the sauces, but turn it over so which the top, cooked side of the torte is on the bottom. This is how a flourless chocolate cake is served - topside down. The restaurant zaps the cake for 30 seconds or possibly so in the microwave before serving, so which it is slightly hot. However, I prefer mine cool.
- This recipe yields 8 servings.
- Comments: P. F. Chang's contracts with local bakeries to produce these delicious flourless chocolate cakes for the 70-unit chain of upscale Chinese bistros. The restaurants aren't built for baking, and this way the chain can ensure a fresh product every time. Now you can whip up an even fresher version of the cake right at home with just a few basic ingredients and a springform pan. As for the tasty sauces which go with the cake, each P. F. Chang's handles those in the restaurant. Get yourself a bag of frzn raspberries and some raspberry liqueur for the raspberry sauce, and a vanilla bean (actually you'll need just a quarter of one) and some cream for the vanilla sauce. These sauce recipes will give you two amazing sauces which go great with the cake, with leftovers which can be frzn to dazzle with a drizzle on many other deserving desserts.