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Receta Pasta with Sausage, Sage and Beans; memories
by Katie Zeller

I love pasta.

Mon mari likes pasta…. But it’s a challenge for him to gauge the insulin right. After many, many attempts at figuring out why sometimes his blood sugar goes very high and other times low, we’ve just accepted the mystery and limit the pasta.

We used to eat it once or twice a week. Now it’s once every month or two.

I used to look for new, creative, interesting ways to fix pasta. Now we choose an old favorite.

This was our go-to weeknight dinner when we were both working. We always had sausages in the freezer and tomatoes and beans in the pantry

Sautéing the chili powder releases more flavor and if you like it hot, use hot Italian sausages, add some hot peppers or Tabasco or your favorite hot sauce.

Pasta with Sausage, Sage and Beans

Total time: 25 minutes



Cook pasta according to package instructions.

Heat oil in large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. Add chili powder and sauté 1 minute.

Add onion and sauté 5 minutes.

Add sausage, garlic, sage and sauté until sausage is browned, 5 – 7 minutes.

Add tomatoes, their juices, and the cannellini, turn heat to low and simmer, uncovered, 10 minutes.

When pasta is done, drain and add to skillet, stir to combine and serve.

We’re on spring break here…. Exciting times.

Our teacher always wants to know what we’re going to do on our ‘vacance’. We try to explain that, while she actually has 10 days off from work, we only go to class 1 day a week so the ‘vacance’ doesn’t quite engender the same amount of enthusiasm.

That being said, it is an extra few days and I do try to use it wisely.

It’s spring so what else would I do but spring cleaning inside and spring planting outside.

I love the warm weather…. Really, I do.

But transitioning from the leisurely, but cold and nasty days of winter to the frantic, but beautiful days of spring and summer is always a challenge.

Thankfully, there is always something to complain about….

I’ve been cleaning during the mornings until early afternoon then I go out and work in the gardens for a few hours before I exercise and have my very late lunch.

The house will be done tomorrow; the gardens not until October, but the spring planting is done and the weeds under control. We shall soon be enjoying fresh lettuce, spinach and radishes.

Cleaning has been a bittersweet chore this year.

Spring cleaning means that everything in the house gets picked up, cleaned, the area it was in cleaned, then put back. This includes the insides of cabinets and closets and the tops of shelves and all those places that one normally ignores because who’s going to know anyway.

This year it seemed that everything I picked up triggered a memory. My mother died 4 years ago this month and my sister died last fall. So much of what I have was given to me by them – sometimes in a chain.

For example, after my favorite aunt died my mother took all of her cook books. When my mother moved into assisted living she gave them to my sister who, in turn, gave them to me.

There were the two little Blue Willow saucers that my mother always served our chocolate pudding in when I was a child that my sister gave to me the last time I saw her. She was using the rest of mother’s dishes but thought I would like the saucers. They were tucked safely away in a cabinet and I’d forgotten about them.

And the two Waterford wine glasses I bought for my mother after we moved to Ireland that found there way back to me after she died.

As I said…. It’s been bittersweet. Not sad, just a gentle meandering into the past.

Sometimes, it’s nice to visit the past….

Last update on April 20, 2016
