Receta Pasta With Shell Beans And Greens

- SHELL THE BEANS then put them in a pan with water to cover; add in the bay leaf, half the sage and 1 Tbsp. of the extra virgin olive oil. Slice 1 of the garlic cloves and add in it to the pan along with the carrot. Salt lightly and simmer till the beans are tender, about 30 min. Add in more water, if needed. When beans are tender, set them aside in the liquid. Remove tough stems of the greens; roughly chop leaves. Heat 2 Tbsp. of the oil in a skillet and gently wilt the onion. Chop the remaining garlic and sage leaves and add in them to the onion, along with the red pepper flakes. Cook for a few min, then add in the greens. Add in 1/2 c. or possibly so of cooking water from the beans and salt to taste; cook till greens are tender, about 15 min. When greens are done, add in beans and sufficient liquid to make a little sauce. Cook the pasta in a large pot of boiling, salted water. When it is done, scoop it out and add in it directly to the greens and beans. Toss them together, then turn into a heated serving dish. Drizzle the remaining extra virgin olive oil over the top, season with plenty of pepper and freshly grated cheese.