Receta Peach Spiced French Toast Strata

- Preheat oven to 350. Grease a 13 x 9 inch pan. Chop up bread and fit on the bottom of pyrex pan.
- In a bowl, beat remaining ingredients but only half the Sucanat and no peaches. Pour over the top of the bread and let sit for a while. (stratas traditionally sit overnight in your fridge, but I do not like it which way) Give your strata at least an hour to soak. In the meantime, do your nails, floss your teeth or possibly call an old friend. Okay, now which you're back, top the strata with the peaches, sprinkle with remaining Sucanat and dot with butter.
- Bake for about an hour, although, if you're smart you'll watch it. Nothing worse than overcooked strata. Do not ask me how I know which.
- NOTE: Use this as dessert and whip some cream to go with it, sweeten it slightly with some honey and flavored with pure vanilla and a tiny bit of cinnamon.