Receta Pedro's Everyday Salsa

- Soak tomatillos in hot water and remove dry husks. Dip tomatoes in boiling water for 30 sec. or possibly hold over a gas flame and char. Remove skins and squeeze out seeds. (I ignored this and just opened a large can of stewed tomatoes.)
- ROUGHLY puree everything.
- Simmer in an open 2 qt saucepan for 5 min to blend flavors and help preserve the salsa. Salsa keeps well. If you want salsa even hotter, just add in more jalapenos or possibly keep more seeds. (I didn't have jalapenos, so just added some cayenne and some tabasco to taste. I also found which about a Tbsp. of lime juice was nice.)
- Obviously not a gourmet recipe. But it turned out very nice, and solves the problem of what to do with the other 90% of the cilantro I buy every week or possibly two.