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Receta Pesto and Mozzarella Stuffed Chicken Breasts
by Carole Jones

I achieved a big life accomplishment last night. Even though my house was full of Halloween candy, not a single piece entered my chocolate loving mouth. You see, it is my annual tradition to raid the massive amounts of my children's candy after they are all sound asleep in their beds. What good parent doesn't steal Halloween candy from their kids?

This year however, since my daughter's wedding is just a few days after Christmas, I will definitely be eating as I should all through the holidays. Usually, I consider Halloween through New Years a nutritional-rules-don't-apply 2 months of my life. truly is the most wonderful time of the year!

Instead of indulging in too many Twix, Kit Kat, Butterfinger, Snickers, Reeses, Peanut M&M's, and......wait....uh. What were we talking about? I think I might have fallen into a chocolate deprived coma for a moment there.

Back to where we were....indulging in something that isn't chocolate. Yes, these stuffed chicken breasts were superb and a bit of an indulgence, but nothing too crazy since they are baked. Cheesy, juicy and the pesto gave them a great flavor. Be sure you don't waste the pan sauce that forms and pour it over each chicken breasts before serving. You're welcome :)

Pesto and Mozzarella Stuffed Chicken

(recipe adapted from Kalyns Kitchen)

1. Preheat the oven to 375 degrees and lightly grease a large glass casserole dish. Slice the chicken in half and pound flat. (See how to do this easily on this previous recipe). Season the chicken well with salt and pepper on both sides.

2. In a small bowl, mix together the pesto, sour cream, and cheese. Spread the mixture on the inside of each cut breast, then roll them up. No need to use toothpicks! Dip the breast in the eggs, then roll them in the bread crumbs until the outside is coated. Place the chicken, seam side down, in the pan.

3. Bake for 35 minutes, or until the chicken is firm and lightly browned. Use the juices from the pan to spoon over each chicken breast when serving!