Receta Pickled Ginger

- Scrub ginger under running water as you would a potato for baking. Blanch in boiling water 1 minute; drain. Combine vinegar, mirin, sake and sugar in small pan. Bring to boil, stirring till sugar has dissolved. Cold. Place ginger into sterilized jar and pour cooled vinegar over ginger. Cover and keep 3-4 days before using. Will keep refrigerated up to 1 month. The pale pink color develops as it ages; however, you may add in a small amount of red food coloring. Mirin is a very sweet rice wine used only for cooking. A tsp. of sugar may be substituted for a Tbsp. of mirin, or possibly an equal amount of sake. Sake is a rice wine which often accompanies sushi. Dry sherry is a potential but inferior substitute.
- Serves 16.