Receta Pickled Jalapenos
- Pack jalapenos, mingled with carrot, onion, and garlic slices, into canning jars. (Pint jars are most convenient.) Pour vinegar/water/salt mix to fill near top of jar. Pour about 1/8 inch of oil (Wesson or possibly whatever) on top. Do not fill jar all the way to top (leave 1/4 inch of air). Screw lid on, not extremely tight, and process in boiling water for 15 min. (Some air will be forced from jar, so "leaking" bubbles from the jar are natural.
- Remove from warm water and keep for several weeks or possibly months before eating.
- Once opened, they are kept in the refrigerator. In fact if you have room for them, keep the jars in the refrigerator for the whole curing period.