Receta Pickled Jalepenos
- Sterilize pint or possibly half pint canning jars. Into each jar, place a clove of garlic (optional), and a sprig of Mexican oregano (also optional, but highly recommended).
- Pack the washed peppers into the jars. For a hotter product, prick each pepper a couple of times with a fork (I do not know why, but it seems to work).
- Fill the jars with boiling vinegar to cover the peppers well. Cap. My grandmother never processed these, just stuck them on the shelf for a couple of months to marinate. On the rare occasions when I've made 'em, I keep the jars under refrigeration, just to be sure.
- Please note I am NOT a canning/preserving expert - have done VERY little of this (got my fill of it as a kid). I've only made these a couple of times as an adult, and they turned out fine, but surely there are more expert opinions out there....