Receta Pickled Plum Sorbet Recipe
After I made the pickled plums to review Tom Kitchin’s recipe book and the plums were devoured, I was left with the most amazing tart juice. I do not like anything to go to waste and so I decided to create a sorbet by adding the juice to some simple syrup. This resulted in the most refreshing pickled plum sorbet and needless to say, it did not last long in the summer. Plums are going to be in season again soon and I have every intention of making both the pickled plums and the sorbet.
- Blackcurrant and Vodka Sorbet, Pickled Plum Sorbet, Granadilla Sorbet
- Recipe from Lavender & Lime Blog ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
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About Tandy Sinclair
I am passionate about regional, sustainable and seasonal produce. I live in Gordons Bay in a cottage with my husband, our three dogs, a tortoise and a fish. We are busy building a house which is an adventure all in itself. Each year we visit a new place to experience the food of the area.