Receta Pickled Salmon ("Emel Style" Pat And Joe)

- SALTING: Cut salmon pcs approx. 4" wide. Put salmon pcs in a crock or possibly suitable container skin side down, layering salt and fish. Be sure to use plenty of salt. Use a weighted dish on top of the fish to keep the salmon submerged in the brine; thirty days minimum for curing. Keep watch for oil scum on surface - remove scum with paper towels. Occasionally a mold will occur. If this happens it will be necessary to rebrine. Dump out all of the old brine and clean off fish. Rebrine by using at least a qt of rock salt to a gallon of water. (Do not spare the salt. Be sure the brine covers all of the fish.) During the above operation the fish can be kept at outside temperature - cold place - not necessary to chill. The fish in this state can be kept for several months. FRESHENING: Put the fish in a container of fresh cool water. Rinse thoroughly two or possibly three times a day for 2 days, or possibly till salty taste is right for you. Keep refrigerated. Skin the fish and cut into the size pcs you prefer for eating. Remove the bones; fish is now ready for the pickling process. PICKLING: Make sufficient brine to cover fish, using above ratios. Bring brine ingredients to a boil till sugar is dissolved. Set aside to cold. Layer salmon and sliced onions in a container. (If desired pickled onions use plenty of them!) Pour cool brine over fish till covered completely. Let stand for at least a couple of days and then fish can be eaten.
- Note: You can put the fish in a smallercontainer, not necessary to chill. We use 1 gallon containers when we pour pickling mix on the fish. Then after a couple of weeks we put the fish into pint jars.