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Receta Pimento Cheese Stuffed Jalapeño Poppers
by Nikki Gladd

Jalapeño peppers stuffed with my favorite pimento cheese and topped with a crumble of bacon.

I wish I had some great story to tell you right now, but the truth is, I am rushing to get this recipe up for you so you can have it for the weekend. So we’re gonna be short and to the point with lots of photos and my recipe.

In all honesty, today (yesterday, by the time you read this) was a crappy day and, quite frankly, I don’t want to talk about it. I can’t talk about it, anyway, because it would be gossipy and mean and distasteful. It’s heartbreaking and at this point I can’t wrap my head around it, but I know that by the grace of God my heart will soon soften.

I’m so glad I know I can lean and trust on Him when hard news punches me in the face.

Let’s move on, and talk quickly about these poppers. I gave you a recipe for both Pimento Cheese Spread and Bacon Wrapped Jalepeno Poppers. Let’s call this a hybrid, or a mash-up, of the two. Match made in heaven.

Don’t do what I did the first go-round and bake them directly on the baking sheet. You’ll end up with a cheesy melty mess, like you see in the photos! Instead, bake them on a wire rack rested on the baking sheet. This will keep them from tipping over and having the cheese fall out.

Enjoy! I’m going to go make some more and drown out my sorrows…

Pimento Cheese Stuffed Jalapeño Poppers

Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F. Place a wire rack over top a large rimmed baking sheet; set aside.

Carefully slice each jalapeño in half, lengthwise. Use a spoon to scrape out the seeds and membranes. Be sure to either wear gloves or wash your hands immediately after handling the jalapeños. (Do not rub your eyes or touch your kids until you wash your hands!)

Stuff each jalapeño half with an equal amount of the pimento cheese. Place on the wire rack over the pan. Bake for 15 minutes. Remove from oven and sprinkle crumbled bacon over top. Serve immediately.2.6

Copyright Seeded at the Table