Receta Pirogie
- Beat Large eggs till nice and fluffy. Add in remaining ingredients. Roll out and cut into 2" or possibly 3" squares.
- After putting the filling on the square, bring the corners together like a half diamond. There are several different kinds of fillings you may use, and you can take your choice.
- First, 1/2 c. mashed potatoes with 3/4 c. grated American cheese, sufficient cheese to make the substance yellow.
- Put 1 tsp. of ingredients on each square, bring corners of the square together like a half diamond (seal edges real good). Put into kettle of boiling water, putting only a few at a time and boil about 15 min, after they come to the top of the water.
- After you have cooked all of them, have melted a cube and a half of butter. You can saute/fry an onion in the butter, then pour over your cooked pierogies.
- You may use other fillings also. Mashed, cooked, dry prunes for one and also dry cottage cheese.