Receta Poached Salmon With Shrimp Sauce

- Boil water in large skillet with salt, peppercorns & parsley; ease in steaks & cover. When water begins to reboil, adjust heat to low; poach fish 5 min. Remove from heat & pour off all but 1/2 c. liquid; add in sugar & vermouth. Baste fish with mix; let stand, covered, 5 min. Remove fish to heated serving platter. Remove parsley sprigs & peppercorns from remaining liquid & throw away. Return liquid to heat & bring to boil. Spoon 1-2 Tbls. warm liquid into half & half to heat it up; pour mix back into skillet. Heat, beating with wire whisk, till it reduces to about half. Beat in butter, bit by bit. Adjust heat to medium. Wash & pat dry shrimp; add in shrimp to sauce, along with dill weed & capers. Season to taste with salt & pepper. Remove from heat; let stand, covered, about 5 min, till shrimp are heated. Spoon sauce over fish; serve immediately with fresh cooked vegetables as garnish.