Receta Pork Pata Humba
Pork Pata
Humba recipes usually use pork shoulder or other meaty parts of the pig but this recipe, pork pata humba use pork knuckles instead. This recipe is more likely a pata dish like paksiw na pata or pata tim because it has banana blossoms and mushrooms but it was made as a humba dish. There is also an extra step of cooking this pork pata humba compared to other similar pork knuckles dishes. It’s the marinating the pork in vinegar, soy sauce, peppercorns and garlic. Then dipping it in brown sugar then frying the pork knuckles before stewing
To cook pork pata humba; marinate pork knuckles in vinegar, soy sauce, peppercorns and garlic for 1 hour. In the meantime, place brown sugar in a plate. When pork knuckles are fully…
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