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Receta Pork Tenderloin stuffed with Chives and Green Garlic; the update
by Katie Zeller

I while ago I came to the decision that striving for perfection regarding stuff on the internet is fruitless.

I decided that I could live with ‘good enough’.

Moving this blog to WordPress is finished.

Well, almost….

I’m waiting for a file from TypePad with (hopefully) all the missing photos on it.

In the meantime, I declare the hard work over and the blog back in business.

The missing photos will be replaced either quickly (if the file works) or over time (if it doesn’t)

If you note any problems, or just stuff you don’t like, please let me know.

There were no problems, at all, with this lovely Pork Tenderloin.

It was supposed to be done on the barbecue, but the weather turned rainy and cold (mon mari is such a wimp) so it was done in the oven.

Regardless, it was good.

Pork Tenderloin stuffed with Chives and Green Garlic

Total time: 40 minutes



Butterfly pork tenderloin : Make a lengthwise slice 1/3rd of the thickness to about 1/4 inch from the opposite side. Then make another slice, 1/3rd of the thickness, starting from the middle.

Open it and give it a couple of whacks with a meat mallet so that it lies flattish… or pound lightly with the edge of a plate. You just want it to be flat and easy to work with.

Lay the ham on the pork to within a 1/2 inch from the edges.

Spread the chives, green garlic ad cheese on the ham.

Roll the pork and tie with kitchen string.

Sprinkle pork with paprika and salt.

Roast, 400F (200C) for 25 to 30 minutes, just until the cheese starts to ooze.

Remove and let rest 5 minutes. Remove string, slice and serve.

Now that mon mari is done with the most recent room, he’s decided to play outside for a bit.

The first thing he did was decide we needed more window boxes.

So he built some.

I’ll digress for a minute and show you our blooming wisteria tree.

The wisteria vine is very, very old and is so entwined with the pine tree that it would be impossible to separate them.

It is rather fantastic in the spring, though, isn’t it?

Back to mon mari’s projects….

He got the fence up around the potager (kitchen garden) and is in the process of putting boards around the bottom to keep the bunnies out.

Then he’ll put up the poles for the beans.

Then it’s my turn. As soon as it quits raining I can start planting.