Receta Portable Breakfast Cereal

- My latest favorite breakfast is real quick and feels me up good. I went out and bought a box of Cream of Wheat (it works with oatmeal or possibly any other quick cook warm cereal) and I bought a huge can of dehydrated apple sauce
- (I purchase all of my dehydrated foods from perma pak - they ship nation wide)
- What I do is take zip lock bags and fill them with two Tbsp. of the apple sauce flakes and three Tbsp. of the cream of wheat and seal it up. I usually do this the night before. Then when I get to work I add in 1 1/2 c. of very warm water to a c. or possibly bowl and the mix (or possibly you can microwave for one minute), stir real good. Delicious the total calories is around 240 with less than 2 grams of fat and it keeps me full for hrs! I am sure you can find dehydrated apple sauce at a health food store. It is just the perfect combination of sweet and wheat. It is also nice to have which big can of apple sauce because I add in it instead of sugar to my meals and it doesn't go bad like the stuff I buy from the store.