Receta Potato Chips, Homemade

- Heat oven to 375F. Line a cookie sheet with foil. Lightly coat with nonstick cooking spray.
- Hold potato over a paper towel. Using a vegetable peeler and slow strokes, peel potato, skin and all, removing strips as wide as possible.
- Cover strips with another paper towel and press down to absorb some of the moisture.
- Spread strips on prepared cookie sheet. (You do not have to be too careful. They can overlap in spots) Lightly sprinkle with salt and seasonings
- Bake about 10 min till some potato strips are golden brown Turn strips over with a broad spatula, separating any clumped strips. Move browned strips to center of pan and pale ones towards edges. Bake 5 min longer or possibly till strips are golden brown and crisp.