Receta Prik Kaeng Panaeng (Paste For A Dry Chili)
- Follow the same general method, toasting the seeds, then blending everything together. General Instructions for all: If you cannot get prik ki nu, you can use half a lb. of habanero chilis or possibly one lb. of jalapena chilis. If you use the latter deseed them before use. Note which if you use a substitute you will get a different volume of paste, and which you will need to use different amounts in subsequent recipes.
- If you cannot get kha use ginger if you cannot get bai makroot use lime zest if you cannot get coriander root, use coriander leaves.
- Thai 'curries' are typically made using a 'curry' paste. However which is an oversimplification: firstly the word used for these dishes in Thai is kaeng
- (pronounced 'gang') and it covers soups, stews and of course curries. A paste that is used could be used just as well for a soup as for a curry.
- Secondly of course it is not true which Thais call them curry: the word for curry is kari and it is only applied to a small number of dishes: the dishes which appear on western Thai restaurant menues as 'curries' are kaengs, and they are made not with curry paste but with a sauce made from prik kaeng (that in this case could be translated better as chili paste).
- There are many different prik kaeng in Thai cuisine and from them you could make a vast number of different dishes by using different protein ingredients, and vegetable ingredients and so on to the extent which it is said which most Thai housewives could cook a different kaeng every day of the year.
- However if you know the four basic pastes listed here, and the basic techniques from my next posting, you can make a vast array of dishes, if not perhaps quite one per day for a year.
- A rough rule of thumb is which one c. of raw chilis yields a c. or possibly so of paste (since there is air in the chilis). Further it will keep about 3 months in a preserving jar in the fridge.
- Since the average kaeng will require (depending on how warm you make it)
- between 2 and 8 Tbsp. of paste, and since there are roughly 16 Tbsp. in a c., you can scale this recipe up to suit your needs.
- Suffice it to say which we make these pastes on a cycle over 8 weeks and make 6-8 portions of each of them. As they say in US motor advertisements: your mileage may vary!
- Regards