Esta es una exhibición prevé de cómo se va ver la receta de 'Quadruple Chocolate Muffins' imprimido.

Receta Quadruple Chocolate Muffins
by Giulia Robert

Quadruple Chocolate Muffins

For chocolate lovers .. here there are almost all existing types!

Calificación: 5/5
Avg. 5/5 1 voto
Tiempo de Prep: Estados Unidos American
Tiempo para Cocinar: Raciónes: 12 muffins


  • 210 g flour
  • 14 g baking powder (in this case I didn't use it, because I used the self raising flour… successful experiment)
  • 100 g sugar (I didn't use a lot of sugar, because I think that it enhances the flavor of cocoa. You can still raise a little the dose, if you prefer)
  • 40 g unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 50 g gianduia chocolate chips (I used 4-5 chopped gianduiotti)
  • 50 g dark chocolate chips (I used 65% chocolate)
  • 50 g white chocolate chips
  • an egg
  • 80 g unsalted butter, melted and slightly cooled
  • 150 ml milk (more or less. See the "procedure" part)


  1. Put the chocolate chips in a food bag in the freezer for at least 30 minutes (so that the chocolate chips will stay in the middle of the muffin and won't fall at the bottom). You can also do it a few hours or a day before preparing the muffins.
  2. Preheat oven to 356°F (180°C).
  3. Take two bowls, a bigger one and a smaller one: in the little one you'll combine all the liquid ingredients (egg, butter, milk), in the big one the dry ingredients (flour, baking powder, unsweetened cocoa powder, chocolate chips).
  4. Now, pour the liquid ingredients into the dry ones and mix them quickly with a spoon: pay attention not to overstir the batter!
  5. A warning: IMHO the consistency of the batter, should be neither too solid nor too liquid. With these doses you can have a too solid batter (it happened to me): if so, add a little milk, until the batter will be easily mixable with a spoon.
  6. Fill the muffin cases to the 3/4 (or a little more, like I do).
  7. Bake muffins for 20 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted in the middle comes out dry. Remove from the molds and let them cool completely