Receta Quail Eggs With Asparagus And Walnut Mayonnaise

- Note 1: If quail Large eggs are unavailable, the smallest chicken Large eggs which you can find are a good substitute. Hard-boil them, and proceed as with quail Large eggs.
- Note 2: Serrano ham is available in Latin markets, prosciutto is a good substitute.
- Bring 2 qts of water to a gentle boil. Carefully lower quail Large eggs into the water; cook for 2 1/2 min. Remove and shell immediately.
- Add in mustard, sherry vinegar and whole egg to the bowl of a food processor fitted with the metal blade. Blend for 3 seconds. In a c. with a spout, mix the 2 oils. With the motor of the food processor running, add in the oils in a thin stream. Mayonnaise should thicken after about 3/4 of the oil has been added. Season with salt and pepper.
- Let Large eggs come to room temperature. Place ham slices on 6 small plates and spread 1/6 of mayonnaise over each slice. Cut Large eggs in half and place 3 halves on each plate. Garnish each egg with a small piece of black olive, and garnish each plate with 3 asparagus tips.
- This recipe yields 6 appetizer servings.
- Suggested drink: Hidalalgo Manzanilla, La Gitana