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Receta Quick Pickled Peppers and Cukes
by Sid's Sea Palm Cooking

One of the dishes I had thought about making for Tapas last week were these, Roasted Peppers with Balsamic Vinegar, but I just didn't get my act together in time to make them. So, I had these wonderful peppers lounging around in the fridge and I did want to use them, somehow, somewhere. Especially since I'd gotten them, on sale.

Have you seen the price of peppers lately? I don't know about your area, but they're pretty pricy down here.

So, I'm sitting, looking at them, and also looking at these hothouse cukes I'd gotten. AKA English Cucumbers. I was thinking of Agurk Salat, but didn't have any dill, then I put two and two together, well, cukes and peppers together and thought "quick pickle".

So I cut part of each pepper up, only used about a quarter of each one,

and half of a cucumber.

Heated up 1/2 cup of Rice Vinegar, added 2 tablespoons of sugar to it, tasted it, then added 2 tablespoons of maple syrup, about 1 tablespoon red wine vinegar, tasted it again, and added about a teaspoon of soy sauce. I liked that mixture and poured it over the finely cut strips of pepper and cucumber.

They sat in the fridge for a few hours, I wanted them to get well acquainted.

Blind dates aren't always fun.

And I served them for Tapas, alongside a plate of sliced peppers.

Well, not all the pickled peppers were eaten so I had some on a sandwich the next day. And since I'm a Dane, I had to see how they tasted on Leverpostej. (Liver Paste).

And guess what, they were pretty darn good. And I think they looked pretty too.

I do love my smørrebrød.

I just couldn't decide which picture looked the most mouthwatering.