Receta Recipe | Beetroot Millet Rotis & Panchkuti Dal – Of food, lunchboxes and childhood memories..
“Food is not about impressing people. It’s about making them feel comfortable.” Ina
I don’t remember my lunch time in preschool or nursery days but I do have a vivid memory of it during my elementary
Mom was a working woman and as usual morning time used to be very hectic at home. She would cook breakfast & lunch for me and my brother and pack our dabbas before leaving for office at
Though she made sure that every day she packed the best home cooked food for us, the menu used to revolve around the same fare. We would expect a dry subzis (potato or okra) with roti or Aloo parathas or aloo poha, without
But then, we never bothered about what was packed inside. All we wanted was something which we could gulp quickly…
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