Receta Recipe For Chocolate Soufflé Sponge
I do not want to know who won Master Chef Australia 2017 so I asked my sister to send me the recipe for the Chocolate Soufflé Sponge that Anna Polyviou made. This formed part of the firecracker pressure test. I have saved the entire recipe as I want to make other components from the challenge.
Head straight on to the Recipe For Chocolate Soufflé Sponge ♥
When I first started blogging in earnest I was given a piece of advice. I was told to find my voice. It has taken me so much time to realize that I am unique. My blog posts are not like other food bloggers. I blog about my life. The ups and downs, and the good and bad aspects. I keep up a running commentary of things that happen to me. This works for me and I have decided to be OK with that. I don’t need to tell you what makes a Chocolate Soufflé Sponge. Or let you know the history behind the recipe. I also do not need to feel inadequate when I take a photograph and it is not magazine worthy. I am not a photographer. My camera has become something I now enjoy. I have a perspective I want to capture.
Today’s inspiration ♥ Recipe For Chocolate Soufflé Sponge ♥ can be found on Lavender and Lime Click To Tweet
And I am doing that without being concerned that I will be judged harshly for my lack of using props. Or the fact that sometimes my styling is off point. Again, I am not a food stylist. As soon as I had taken these photographs I though of so many other ways I could have composed the plate. I know I did not do the best I could do. But I am OK with that. To me, I want to make 100% sure that the recipe works. I made this entire dessert platter, bar the ice cream two weeks’ in a row. I tried making the Soufflé Sponge using licorice powder instead of cocoa, and fructose instead of sugar. It was a dismal failure. And not even one that we could eat. But on remaking it exactly as per the recipe it worked like a charm.
Click on the links for conversions and notes. Chocolate Soufflé Sponge Save Print This sponge is light and airy and can be used for a traditional Swiss roll. All Rights Reserved: Adapted From Anna Polyviou Ingredients 5 eggs, separated 115g caster sugar 45g cocoa powder, sieved Method Preheat the oven to 190° Celsius Place the egg whites into a stand mixer bowl Whisk on high speed until soft peaks form Add the sugar a tablespoon at a time until completely dissolved When thick and glossy stop whisking Lightly beat the egg yolks and gently fold into the mixture Gently fold in the cocoa powder When fully incorporated pour the mixture into a lined Swiss roll tray and level off Bake for 12 minutes Remove from the oven Turn out onto a wire rack and carefully peel off the baking paper 3.5.3229
Inspiration published on Lavender and Lime April 6:
2016 – In My Kitchen April 2016
2015 – Blueberry Vinegar
2013 – Sunshine Award
2012 – The Versatile Blogger Award
2015 – Basil
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