Receta Recipe For Gorgonzola Ice Cream
Shortly before I moved to Gordons Bay I heard a pop when I closed the boot of my car. Thinking it was the tendon in my neck snapping, I thought nothing of it. But, 6 months after my move I could barely lift my right arm to brush my teeth. I went to see an orthopaedic surgeon and he diagnosed my problem as being what is commonly called snapping scapula syndrome. He gave me a voltaren injection and referred me to another surgeon who specialised in this problem. He felt my shoulder, confirmed the diagnosis and sent me for physiotherapy. As he did not know of any local therapists, I made the round trip of 113 kilometres twice a week for 4 months. The massage and anti-inflammatories resulted in the Doctor stating my problem was cured and off I went for my December leave. By January the pain was back and this time I went to a local physiotherapist who was treating a friend of mine for rotator cuff problems. She did the same treatment around my scapula but with it not improving I decided to see a chiropractor. He took an x-ray and told me my rib had sublocated. He could put the rib back, but after 2 years of it being out of place – since I heard it pop – the tendon had lengthened to keep it out. Dr. Tasker to me is the best diagnostician and so when my tricep that I injured in December was not responding to acupuncture and massage I went back to see him. Lo and behold, my left rib was out of place! He popped it back in, and within days, the pain I had endured was gone. What won’t be out of place is this amazing Gorgonzola ice cream. Served as an alternative to a cheese platter, accompanied by a fig tarte tatin, this made for an interesting after dinner course.
- Gorgonzola Ice Cream
- Gorgonzola Ice Cream ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: an original recipe from Lavender and Lime
- 300mls milk 200mls cream 5 egg yolks 80g sugar - I used fructose 55g Gorgonzola
Place the milk and the cream into a sauce pan Bring to blood temperature over a medium temperature Place the egg yolks and sugar into a mixing bowl Whisk until at the ribbon stage Pour half of the milk onto the eggs, whisking continuously Add the mixture back into the pan with the rest of the milk Stir with a wooden spoon until 82° Celsius Strain into a large pouring jug and mix in the Gorgonzola Leave to cool before placing into the fridge overnight Churn as per your ice cream machine manufacturers' instructions 3.2.2925
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What I blogged May 11:
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About Tandy
I am passionate about regional, sustainable and seasonal produce. I live in Gordons Bay in a cottage with my husband, our three dogs, a tortoise and a fish. We are busy building a house which is an adventure all in itself. Each year we visit a new place to experience the food of the area.