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Receta Recipe For Mandy’s Salad Dressing
by Tandy Sinclair

I adapted Mandy’s Salad Dressing to make my own version, swapping out the tomato paste which I always feel is something that needs to be cooked. This great, refreshing salad dressing will keep well so feel free to up the quantities and make one large batch at a time. Head straight on to the recipe ♥

Mandy’s Salad Dressing

On Wednesday night, just past midnight I was woken by a loud banging. This was followed by the sound of something heavy being moved and thinking that someone might be removing the blocks protecting our newly laid driveway I went downstairs to investigate. Our neighbour’s outdoor light was on and my first thought that he too had been woken by the crashing noise. But no, he was the reason for the disturbing sounds. I am not sure what he was moving as I cannot see clearly into his driveway, but he carried on for nearly half an hour, before starting his vehicle and moving it. This disruption to my sleep meant I woke up feeling groggy. I had a total of 6 hours and 53 minutes of sleep and only 83% of it was restful. Meaning that the actual time I spent getting good sleep was 5 hours and 42 minutes. This resulted in the sleepy feeling persisting throughout the day and was not helped by eating potato salad at lunch time. I felt lazy the entire day but that did not stop me from getting all my errands run. It did however prevent me from wanting to do much more than watch TV when I got home. Supper was a simple salad, served with Mandy’s salad dressing and braaid chicken pieces.

Recipe For Mandy's Salad Dressing All Rights Reserved: Adapted from the Complete Book

80mls rice wine vinegar 5 sun dried tomato slices 15mls liquid from your sun dried tomatoes 45g honey Zest and juice of 1 medium sized orange 2.5cm root ginger, peeled and chopped 10g parsley, roughly chopped 2g mint leaves Salt and freshly ground black pepper to season 180mls olive oil

Place the vinegar, sun dried tomatoes and liquid, honey, orange juice and zest, ginger, parsley and mint into a blender Season generously to taste Process until the tomatoes are completely broken down Slowly add the oil until combined Serve as needed, giving a good shake before using 3.5.3208

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What I blogged February 1:

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About Tandy

Tandy is passionate about using regional, seasonable and sustainable produce when she cooks. She lives in Gordons Bay in a cottage with her husband, two dogs, a tortoise and a fish. Tandy and Dave are busy building a house which is an adventure all in itself. Each year they visit a new place to experience the food of the area and you can follow along on their adventures.