Receta Recipe For Tarragon Vinegar
It is so sad when a decision you make for your own well being, ends up being sour for others. Shortly before we left for overseas we told one of the friends we were going with, who was the person we had organized the trip for, that we did not want to go with them on the barge. The reason had nothing to do with him, his wife, or the other couple they had invited along and were paying for. The reason had everything to do with a person who would be on a barge alongside us. Our friend had paid for this person, his wife, and another couple and we felt that as we had paid for ourselves, we should not be subjected to spending the time with someone we do not like, and do not trust. Our friend assured us that there would be no problem and that he would be told to stay away from us. Of course, he ignored this, and we ended up leaving the barge. On the surface everything seemed OK between Dave and our friend, but sadly, it isn’t. He arrived late for David’s birthday party, using the rugby as an excuse and came around as usual the following Tuesday night. We go there every Sunday for a drink, but the next Sunday he did not answer his phone, and said he was at gym. The following Tuesday he was away but two more Tuesdays have passed and he has not been to us, and Dave has not called him for our regular Sunday drinks. I am so saddened by this, as he is a good friend and my decision to leave the barge has resulted in this awful feeling.
Vinegar, when tasted alone leaves a sour taste in your mouth. But when added to a salad dressing can be sweet. I wish I knew what to add to this sour situation to change it around and make it good again. I made this tarragon vinegar shortly before my tarragon died back. We had such an interesting winter weather wise that the tarragon was only gone from my garden for about 6 weeks. I love the aniseed flavour of the herb and use it mostly with chicken.
- Tarragon Vinegar
- Tarragon Vinegar ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: Adapted from The Complete Book of Herbs page 332
- 20 fresh tarragon leaves 100mls white wine vinegar
- Lightly crush the tarragon leaves Place into a sterilized glass bottle
- Top with the vinegar Leave to infuse for a week before using 3.2.2802
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About Tandy
I am passionate about regional, sustainable and seasonal produce. I live in Gordons Bay in a cottage with my husband, our three dogs, a tortoise and a fish. We are busy building a house which is an adventure all in itself. Each year we visit a new place to experience the food of the area.