Receta Risotto with Lamb, Fava (Broad) Beans and Green Garlic; the update
Mon mari got to play with a big toy last week.
He wanted to rent the little backhoe/digger that he used last year to dig the water trench.
It wasn't available.
But the guy was very understanding.... and let him have the big one for the same price.
And I can't believe I didn't get a photo of it!
I'm so ashamed.
I did manage to catch him pulling out a tree stump, though.... The rest of the pine tree we took down last fall.
The ground here is clay and very, very rocky.
Big rocks. The kind that can't be lifted but do great damage to lawn mower blades.
After taking out the stump he filled holes, pulled out rocks, filled holes, dug out mounds filled with rubble and generally had a smashing good time.
We hope, in a week or two, this will be covered in new grass.
And speaking of rubble - what were these people doing?!?!?
In the mound around the stump we found broken dishes and clay tiles and flower pots and coffee cups.
In a pile of nettles he leveled by the barn he found bed springs and cooking pots and metal pans.
In another pile of weeds there were horseshoes and metal rods and small metal tools.
Did they just toss stuff out the door and let nature cover it up?
Is this how ancient Greek and Roman cities get buried?
Sad to say, we found nothing (but 1 horseshoe) that was worth even picking up for a closer look.
I kept hoping for some gold coins.....
This risotto, on the other hand..... definitely worth a closer look.
Risotto with Lamb, Fava (Broad) Beans and Green Garlic
1/2 - 3/4 cup peeled fava (broad) beans you'll need about 1lb (500gr) of pods to start with
8oz (250gr) cooked lamb leftover from a leg, perhaps?
- 2/3 cup Arborio rice (or other rice specifically for risotto - Carnaroli or Vialone Nano)
- 1/2 cup (4oz, 120ml) dry, white wine
- 2 1/4 cups (20oz, 550ml) chicken stock
- 4 green garlic
- 1 tbs butter
- 1/2 cup (2oz, 60gr) Parmesan cheese - freshly grated
Heat chicken stock and keep hot over low heat.
Trim and thickly slice green garlic, using as much green as possible. Cut lamb into bite-size pieces.
In medium sauce pan heat butter; add green garlic, rice and sauté, stirring, for 2 - 3 minutes until rice has white center. Add white wine and stir. When wine is almost absorbed add a 1/4 cup of stock and stir. When the rice has almost absorbed the stock add another 1/4 cup and stir. Continue adding stock, 1/4 cup at a time, and stirring.
When half the stock has been added, add the fava beans, lamb to rice. Continue adding stock. Before the last 1/4 cup is added taste a few kernels of rice. They should be just 'al dente' - slightly resistant to the tooth but fully cooked. You may not need the last 1/4 cup. If more stock is needed add it 1/8 cup at a time and waiting until almost completely absorbed. At this point risotto will be thick but not stiff - it will not hold it's shape on a plate. Stir in the Parmesan. Pour into a bowl and serve immediately.
Too peel fava beans: It's a bit like peas. Break open the pod and take the beans out. Don't bother with any really tiny ones. Blanch in rapidly boiling water for 2 minutes. Drain and put into cold water.
After blanching they will have a whitish outer shell. Just squeeze lightly and the inner, bright green bean will pop out. It may split in half... that's okay.