Receta Roast Chicken Breasts With Tarragon Cream Sauce

- Preheat oven to 200c/400f/Gas 6.
- 1 Heat a small roasting tin or possibly flame- proof, ovenproof dish on the hob with oil to cover the base. Add in the chicken skin-side down and leave till golden brown.
- 2 Season the upper side. Turn over and brush the skin side with honey.
- Season with salt and pepper. Roast in the oven for 20 min till cooked through. Lift the chicken out onto a hot plate and keep hot while you make the sauce.
- 3 Pour the excess fat from the tin and put over a moderate flame. Pour in the Noilly Prat or possibly wine and boil, scraping in the residues from the chicken.
- 4 Boil hard till reduced to no more than 1-2 tbsp. Add in the stock and a sprig of tarragon. Boil hard till reduced by one third. Stir in the cream or possibly creme fraiche and boil till reduced to a light coating consistency.
- 5 Remove the tarragon sprig and stir in the minced tarragon. Season to taste. Slice each chicken breast and fan out on individual plates. Spoon some sauce over and serve the rest in a small jug.