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Receta Roast Tenderloin of Beef with Red Wine Sauce; my 1001st post
by Katie Zeller


It's a palindrome.

In fact, it's a mirrored palindrome.

In case you don't remember what a palindrome is, it's a word (racecar, radar, mom) or a sentence (Madam I'm Adam; I did, did I) that reads the same forward and backward.

A mirrored palindrome does it in when viewed in a mirror (A TOYOTA).

1001 is a mirrored palindrome.

It is also the number of this post.

Yesterday's post, which happened to be a Guest Post by TikiPundit, was my 1,000th post....

Or, since he wrote most of it, would this be my 1,000th post?

1,000 posts.....

When I did my 100th post I made a big announcement with all appropriate hoopla.

When I did my 200th post I made a passing mention of it.

I was going to do something big for my 500th but I missed it.

I had something really special planned for my 1,000th but.....


Apparently, I've just run out of words.... 1,000 posts can do that, you know.

I've used all the words.

There are none left.

So I'll leave you with this bit of fun. Reminds me of my typing at times.....

I codnult blveiee taht I colud aulacity uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg.

The phaonmneal pwoer of the huamn mnid. Aocdcrnig to rsheeacrh at Cmarbigde Uniervtisy, it deons't mttaer in waht oedrr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the fsrit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mese and you can stlil raed it wouthit a porlbem.

Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azmaing, huh?

That's why I never see my typos......

So there!

To celebrate my 1,000th post, and Christmas, we're roasting a beef tenderloin.... just a small one.....

Roast Tenderloin of Beef with Red Wine Sauce

Cooking time can vary depending on the size of the roast. A meat thermometer is best. Start checking after 20 minutes for a small roast and 30 for a larger one. Remember it will cook a bit more once off the heat.

Finely chop shallots and garlic. Heat oil in saucepan medium-high heat. Add shallots and garlic; sauté 1 - 2 minutes. Reduce heat to low and add red wine. Simmer until reduced by half. Add beef stock and simmer until reduced by half again. Dissolve cornstarch in water and add to sauce, stirring until thick. Add thyme, vinegar and keep warm until ready to use.

To serve

Cut the beef into 1/2" (1.5cm) slices and arrange on a warm platter. Spoon some sauce on the side and serve.

Herre's a very famous palindrome: A man, a plan, a canal: Panama.

(One ignores punctuation and spacing in palindromes)