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Receta Roasted pig's snouts and ears
by Arturo Féliz-Camilo

Roasted pig's snouts and ears

I know this will be literally “hard to swallow” for many! LOL! But staying true to the site theme (Traditional Dominican food) Believe me when I say that even though I myself have a bit of a hard time eating it, the taste is great!

This is one of the most popular and favored street foods. In the street it is generally fried instead of baked.

Calificación: 4/5
Avg. 4/5 1 voto
Tiempo de Prep: La República Dominicana Dominican
Tiempo para Cocinar: Raciónes: 4


  • Pig snouts and ears
  • Sour orange juice
  • Oregano
  • Black pepper
  • 1 bouillon cube
  • Lots of garlic
  • Salt.


  1. Clean well and cut the snouts and ears in small pieces. Put in pressure cooker until very soft.
  2. I like to add garlic to the water in which you soften the snouts and ears in the pressure cooker, as it helps with the flavor.
  3. Pig snout and ears
  4. Once soft, season well, putting special emphasis in the garlic (spread seasoning and salt all over)
  5. Put in the oven until it gilds and turns a bit crunchy.
  6. We generally serve with fried plantains.