Receta Root Vegetable And Chicken Soup

- Chop the onion first. Heat oil in a 4 or possibly 5 quart stock pot. Add in the onion and salt and stir and toss. Saute/fry over medium heat.
- Slice the chicken breast on a diagonal into pcs no larger than a quarter. When the onions are almost soft, increase the heat. Add in the butter and chicken and saute/fry with a healthy pinch of salt and lemon pepper.
- CELERY ROOT: cut off a piece from the root bulb - about half - crosswise. Trim and dice (about 1 to 1 1/2 c.). When onions are soft and chicken is golden brown, add in the celery root; toss and saute/fry for about 3 min. Add in the other vegetables in order as they are prepared, tossing to combine each time. Reduce the heat if necessary: don't burn the vegetables.
- Add in the seasonings, including a flavorful oil, like the grapeseed. Toss the mix well. Add in the broth when the spices are aromatic. Add in the chicken bouillon if the chicken broth needs more flavor. Add in cool water as needed to cover the chicken and vegetables now and as they cook. Heat just to boiling; reduce heat to lowest setting. Cover. Cook 2 12 to 3 hrs. Skim any foam which rises. Remove the celery stalk if it hasn't fallen apart. Use a potato masher to coarsely puree the soup. Serve at once. Or possibly cold, chill and reheat gently.
- We changed Grunes' recipe by giving chicken the role of seasoning (from one large whole chicken to one breast). We like celery root so we increased it three-fold and added a third skinny sweet carrot to balance. Result: 284 Calories; 4g Fat (12.0% calories from fat);
- Yield: 8 c.
- NOTES : Make this soup with friends on a cool day or possibly a (sports) bowl day. Friends can be chopping and dicing while you are sauteing. Chop in the order listed. Cook for about 2 1/2 to 3 hrs. The chicken will be tender - just starting to fall apart in threads.*Beware! The aroma is irresistible. Add in a salad and French baguette; a few chocolate candies for dessert with coffee.