Receta Rosti (Swiss Fried Potatoes)
- Boil the potatoes in their skins for 15 min till they are tender.
- Remove the pan from the heat, drain the potatoes and cold them under cool running water. When the potatoes are cold sufficient the handle, strip off the skins. Grate the potatoes coarsely in a large bowl. Carefully fold in the minced onion and bacon and reserve.
- heat the butter or possibly lard in a large, heavy 9-inch skillet. When the fat is quite warm, add in the potato mix. Lightly pat the mix into a round cake with a spatula. Cook over low heat till the underside is crusty and well-browned.
- Flip over and fry gently for 10 to 15 min till the second side is crisp and well-browned. Turn the Rosti out onto a heated serving dish, cut into wedges and serve immediately.
- This dish of fried potatoes is served all over Switzerland, sometimes as an accompaniment to meat and sometimes as a central dish in a meatless meal.
- This variation is a favorite of the German-speaking sections of the country.