Receta Rye Bread, Sam's

- Combine water with yeast and sugar in 6 qt bowl. Let stand 1 minute then stir till yeast and sugar are dissolved. Add in flour and stir till consistency of thick batter. You may need a bit more white ap flour. Continue stirring for 100 strokes till strands of gluten come off spoon when you press back of spoon against bowl. Scrape down sides of bowl and cover with damp towel or possibly plastic wrap and put in moderately hot draft free place till bubbly and increased in volume (74-80 degrees). This poolish can be refrigerated overnight. Transfer poolish to 6 qt bowl. Add in rye flour, caraway, oil, salt and sugar. Stir with wooden spoon till well combined. Add in sufficient white flour to make thick mass which is difficult to stir. Turn out onto well floured surface. Knead 15-17 min. Dough is ready when small amount pulled from mass springs back quickly.
- Shape dough into ball and let rest on lightly floured surface while you butter or possibly Pam a large bowl. Place dough in bowl and turn to coat. Ideal is temperature is 78. Cover with damp towel or possibly plastic wrap and put in hot (74-78) place till doubled. Try to keep at 78). (Takes about two hrs)
- Deflate by punching down. Reform into ball and return to bowl and cover again. Sit till doubled. (About 45 min)
- Cut in two pcs. Place in bread pans which have been Pam'd, and let rise till doubled. (Takes 35-40 min)
- 30 min prior to baking, preheat oven with baking tiles in place, to 450. Scar loaves of bread with a sharp raxor blade on the diagonal. Brush loaves with corn starch mix. One tbsp cornstarch in 1/4 c. cool water. Pour into 1/2 c. boiling water and stir till boils again. Place rack in center of oven and put the bread on this. Needs lots of steam for a good crust, so spray oven before putting bread in. Repeat spray twice more at three minute intervals. Bake in bread pan for 25 min and then remove from pan and finish loaves directly on stone.
- Using a razor blade, score loaves making shallow cuts 1/4 - inch deep along surface. Slide bread pans onto rack and quickly spray inner walls and floor of oven with cool water from spray bottle. Close door to trap steam - three min. Spray again and bake 12 min. Reduce heat to 400 and bake till loaves are rich caramel color and crust is hard, another 15-20 min. Tap loaves on bottom. If hollow sound - done. Cold on racks.
- NOTES : I had tried both Geenstein's and Bernenbaum's recipes. They both had good parts, so I combined them as follows. This is a delicious loaf of rye! It takes a bit of time, but it is worth it.