Receta Saddle Of Rabbit With Leeks And Rosemary

- The "saddle of a rabbit" is the rabbit's back from the first rib to the beginning of the legs.
- Marinade:Put the saddle of the rabbit in a small bowl with 1 c. of white wine and 1 sprig of rosemary. Chop the carrot, onion, celery, and garlic add in them to the marinade. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and store in the refrigerator for 24 - 48 hrs. (The longer the better for the flavor of the rabbit meat.)
- Rabbit:Preheat your oven to 450 F.
- Remove the rabbit from the marinade and dry with a cloth. Salt and pepper the rabbit.
- In a medium roasting pan, add in 1 Tbsp. of butter and 1 Tbsp. of extra virgin olive oil. Heat the mix till the butter sizzles.
- Place the rabbit in the pan, skin side up, and brown. Turn, wrapping flaps around the filet to protect it, and cook till light brown. Place the pan in the 450 F oven and cook for 10 min, till medium rare.
- Baste often.
- Add in the vegetables from the marinade to the pan with the rabbit and cook for another 5 min, basting and turning occasionally.
- Remove the rabbit from the pan and place it aside in a hot location.
- Trim the saddle flaps from the rabbit and chop the flaps coarsely.
- Sauce:Return the minced flaps to the pan with the vegetables. On the stove top, saute/fry briefly and skim the fat.
- Deglaze the pan with 1/2 c. of wine, add in the rabbit stock and reduce by one-half.
- Add in the tomato and saute/fry while stirring. Strain the warm mix through a sieve, reserving the liquid (for sauce) and discarding the vegetables. Add in the butter to the liquid and whisk till smooth.
- Leeks:Julienne the leeks. Rinse in cool water and drain well.
- In a medium saute/fry pan, add in 1 Tbsp. butter and leeks. Cook slowly for 2 - 5 min. Leeks should remain crisp. Adjust the seasonings and set the leeks aside in a hot place.
- Assembly:Remove the filet of rabbit from the saddle. Cut the saddle bone crosswise and place one section on each of two plates. Surround the saddle bones with leeks.
- Cut the filet of rabbit into very thin slices lengthwise. Fan slices on top of the leeks.
- Cover with sauce, garnish with sprigs of rosemary. Serve immediately.