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Receta Sakura Jelly 樱花果冻
by Anncoo

After making the Sakura Yogurt Chiffon Cake, I used the sakura ingredients to make this sweet dessert, Sakura Jelly with the beautiful jelly mould that I bought few years ago. I love the unique floral flavour of sakura and the jelly look fabulous. Below is the extremely easy recipe which you may like to read.

Sakura Jelly


Bottom layer

8 pickled sakura blossoms

For sakura blossoms, is available from here


Rinse the pickled sakura to remove excess salt and soak for 45-60 minutes. Gently pat dry the flowers on paper towels.

Bottom layer

Place all the ingredients except fresh milk and sakura honey syrup in a pot and stir to boil at medium heat for 2 mins. Turn off heat. Add fresh milk and sakura honey syrup into it, and stir for another minute. Pour liquid mixture into the mould. Leave to cool and place in the fridge to chill for 15 minutes.

Top layer

Place all the ingredients except honey syrup in a pot and stir to boil at medium heat for 2 mins. Turn off heat. Add honey syrup into it and stir for another minute with a hand whisk.

Take the jelly mould from the fridge, and gently scratch the jelly with a sharp knife. This will make the jellies stick together. Then pour the hot liquid on top. Gently place the sakura blossoms into the mould ( dip and gently shake the flower into the jelly liquid, so that the flower will open up nicely as shown in the picture) .

Leave jelly to cool in room temperature and chill it in the fridge for 2 hours before serving.

300毫升 水

3汤匙 细糖

2茶匙 樱花叶粉

1 + 1/4 茶匙 菜燕粉

100毫升 鲜牛奶

4茶匙 樱花蜜糖

400毫升 水

1 + 1/4 茶匙 菜燕粉

3.5汤匙 细糖

4茶匙 樱花蜜糖

8朵 盐渍樱花


下层 - 除了牛奶和樱花蜜糖,把所有的材料放进锅里,以中火煮滚致煮滚,要不停的搅拌约2分钟,熄火。然后加入牛奶和樱花蜜糖,再搅拌1分钟即可。倒入模子。待凉,收进冰箱冷藏15分钟。

上层 - 除了樱花蜜糖,把全部材料放进锅里,以中火滚致煮滚,要不停的搅拌2分钟,熄火。加入樱花蜜糖,再搅拌1分钟即可。

把凝固好的下层果冻从冰箱拿出来,用刀子轻刮几下,这样两者才会互相粘在起。然后把煮好的菜燕液体倒上去。摆入 渍樱花(轻轻摇晃,花瓣散开了,才放入菜燕液体里 -请看图) 。待凉后收入冰箱冷藏2小时即可享用。

I'm submitting this post to the Best Recipes for Everyone May 2015 Event