Receta Salmon with Pear & Watercress

- Stir ingredients for Dressing 1 in a small bowl until combined, set aside. Combine ingredients for Dressing 2 in another bowl and beat with a fork to emulsify. Taste and adjust seasonings.
- Wash watercress and drain in a colander. Roll up in the paper napkins to blot off excess moisture - store regerated in a plastic bag.
- Heat oil in a wok over medium heat. Fry the wantan wrappers till golden brown and drain on absorbent paper. (Can prepared ahead and stored in an airtight container.)
- Just before serving, slice pears or sweet apple and salmon thinly. To assemble, lay fried wantan squares on a serving plate. Place a layer of thinly sliced pear or sweet apple on it, place a small spoonful of wasabi, mayonnaise on the pear or sweet apple and top with a couple of slices of salmon.
- The watercress toss with just enough of Dressing 2 to moisten and place a small pile on top of the salmon. Place watercress on the salmon and drizzle lightly with the dressing. Serve without delay.