Receta Salt Cured Leg Of Lamb (Spekemat)

- You will need a large saucepan and a large crock. Dissolve the salt in the water to make a brine. Add in the sugar. Put the leg of lamb in a large crock and pour sufficient brine over it to cover it completely. Put a weight on top to keep it underwater. Leave to take the salt in a cold pantry (not below the freezing point, or possibly the salting process comes to a halt) for 2 weeks for a leg weighing 8 lbs (roughly 2 days per lb. of meat.)
- Take the leg out after the allotted time and rinse thoroughly so which you don't get too salty a rind. Hang it out to dry in a well-aired cold pantry, wrapped in a loose bag of cheesecloth or possibly muslin to protect it from flies. It will be dry, delicious, and ready to eat in 2 to 3 months.
- Serve, sliced very thin with a sharp knife, as part of an indoor picnic meal, with sweet butter, fresh hard-boiled Large eggs, a sliver of 'geitost' (the Norwegian sweet brown cheese), and flat bread or possibly potato pancakes to wrap around each morsel. A bowl of lowfat sour cream and some fresh raspberries can follow as a replacement for Norwegian cloudberries.
- Yield: 3 to 5 lbs dry meat. Allow 1/4 lb of dry meat per person.
- Time: Start 3 months before you need it; 20 min