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Receta Scrambled eggs with salsa - Huevito en Salsa
by Mexico in My Kitchen

Last week, I posted a recipe for a salsa using small garden tomatoes, and today I’m going to show you one of the many uses my grandma had for that salsa. Scrambled eggs in salsa is a delicious combination that’s perfect for breakfast or brunch. It is made with very few ingredients, and the best part is that you can use any other salsa, like green salsa, roasted salsa, pasilla or a tomato salsa. Kids love it in corn tortilla tacos when using a mild salsa.

At the farm, the men would go to work on the field before sunrise, and the women stayed at home to prepare food for lunch, which had to be ready by around 10:00 AM. In order to prepare lunch, my grandma, my cousins and I had each had a specific job to do, and we worked in a well orchestrated rhythm. Now that I think of it, the kitchen was laid out in a way that looked like a production line! First there was a stool with a corn grinder, then a short table with a Metate (for the final corn grinding), and then there was a tortilla press to form the tortillas. At the very end there was a large wood-fire stove made out of clay, which was used for making the tortillas and also for cooking the main dishes, like these scrambled eggs with salsa. Additionally, there was a large blue enamel pot that was always full of warm coffee. On the other side of the kitchen (which was oval-shaped), there was a table where my cousins would cut the vegetables and also assemble the tacos and wrap them in cloth napkins to take to the workers. It was nice to see the big smiles of my uncles and cousins seeing us arrive with their lunch: warm tacos and bottles filled with hot coffee.

The same way this recipe brings back joyful memories to me, I hope you enjoy the recipe and make new memories with your loved ones.




*As mentioned above you can use any other type of salsa mild or hot, with different types of peppers.


1. Heat oil in a small frying pan, add the eggs, season with salt and cook tender or well done (depending on your taste). I prefer to pan scramble my eggs, but if you prefer to beat them in a bowl beforehand that is ok too. Once the eggs are cooked, place in a bowl and set aside.

2. Clean the frying pan with a paper towel and place back on the stove over medium heat. Pour the salsa and warm for about 2-3 minutes. Add the scrambled eggs for just enough time so they can warm up again.

3. Serve with warm corn tortillas and enjoy!

What food brings you happy memories? I would love to hear your stories.