Receta Seafood Frittata

- In 1/4 c. clarified butter, saute/fry 1/2 c. 1-inch salmon pcs, 1/2 c. scallops, 1/2 c. rockfish pcs (hard white fish), 1/3 c. shrimp, 1/3 c. sliced mushrooms, 1/4 c. thinly sliced onions, 1/2 teasp. oregano and 2- 3 Tbsp. white wine. In a bowl beat 3 Large eggs. Add in 1/4 c. half and half and 2 shakes of Tabasco. Beat well. Slice one tomato in thin slices, set slices aside. Heat butter in a small omelette pan, add in egg mix.
- When Large eggs have begun to set around the edge, add in seafood mix. Work the mix together, gently. When the mix has begun to set, remove from the heat. Place the tomato slices on top in a circular pattern. Sprinkle with shredded or possibly chunked cheese. Place pan in 425 degree ove for 4-5 min. Remove to serving plate, add in a dollop of lowfat sour cream. Low fat lowfat sour cream can be substituted, and I like to use a non-stick pan to cut down on the butter used.