Receta She’s here!
She’s here!
Apr 2010
Written by Maeghan in Uncategorized
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It’s a girl! Our little girl decided to surprise us and hop into our lives on Easter Day. After my last post I fell ill one night and was diagnosed with pre-eclampsia. I was induced on Saturday and delivered Caroline Grace Sunday afternoon 6lbs 15oz 19.25 in 3:47pm .She was born five weeks early but one could never tell, she was ready to enter this world and is as healthy as can be! Besides being our little bunny she was also born on Opening Day for the Red Sox where Neil Diamond sang “Sweet Caroline” live. We unfortunately missed it since we caught an hour of shut eye but our friends and family definitely loved it! She definitely made quite the entrance into our lives and into the world.
On a cooking note, I never got a chance to make all those freezer meals and am now trying to scurry and use up all the ricotta cheese etc before it goes bad. As a constant planner this worried me the first day home that we didn’t have everything together. No prepared food, no prepared nursery since we didn’t know her gender and my shower was only days before her birth but somehow everything worked out, so don’t worry if you’re expecting and everything doesn’t go “right.” That little treasure in your arms is all you need Not sure when I’ll get back to posting frequently again but I’m sure Caroline and I will be baking up a few good things soon