Receta Simple Roast Chicken

- Heat the oven to 400 F. Remove the giblets from the cavity. Season the bird inside and out with salt and pepper.
- Place the onion, garlic, celery, thyme, and rosemary inside the cavity.
- Place the chicken, breast side up, in a shallow roasting pan and rub with softened butter.
- Roast in the heated oven, brushing occasionally with the accumulated pan juices. Cook till the juices run clear and the temperature on an instant read thermometer registers 170 when inserted in the thigh, 1 hour to 1 hour and 15 min. Remove from the oven and cover loosely with aluminum foil.
- Let rest for about 15 min for the juices to redistribute.
- Notes: I think Roast Chicken is an absolute staple for the table. Pair it with a steamed vegetable and rice for a great meal. Leftover chicken makes a great start for chicken salad to take to work the next day.