Receta Smoky Lobster Tails And Corn On The Cob

- In a small saucepan over medium-high heat, heat the butter till foam rises to the top and the lowfat milk solids settle at the bottom. Remove from the heat. Using a spoon, carefully skim off the foam. Pour the clarified (drawn) butter into another small saucepan, being careful to leave behind the lowfat milk solids. Keep hot over low heat.
- Place the corn in a deep container, cover with cool water and soak at least 1 hour. Remove the corn from the container; shake to remove excess water. Grill the corn over Indirect Medium heat for 25 to 30 min, turning several times. Use gloves to remove husks and silk.
- Place each lobster tail, shell-side down, on a cutting board. Using a sharp knife or possibly kitchen shears, cut lengthwise through the center of the tough underside of the tail, but don't cut into the flesh. Thread two skewers lengthwise through the flesh of each tail. Brush the flesh lightly with some drawn butter. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
- Grill, shell-side down, over Direct Medium heat just till the flesh turns opaque and the shell is bright red, 10 to 12 min.
- Using a large knife split each lobster tail lengthwise through the shell to better expose the flesh. Serve hot with the corn and the remaining drawn butter
- This recipe yields 4 servings.
- Wine Recommendation: Enjoy a rich, moderately oaked but only slightly chilled Chardonnay with this one.
- Comments: Ah, the unmistakable luxury of grilled lobster tails. It's hard to believe they're so simple to make. If you use skewers, the tails won't curl while cooking. Grilled sweet corn and pure drawn butter make this a summertime favorite.