Receta So Many Yummy Recipes, Too Little Time
You know what my meal planning needed?
Here we are mid-way through the week and not only have we stayed on track (meaning we haven't ordered tacos every single night) but I have really enjoyed my time in the kitchen!
I'll admit it - I was nervous about trying so many new recipes in one week. But I made sure they were easy enough, and I planned a safety meal that could be moved around to another night if I found myself in a bind.
Which was actually very smart because I totally forgot to put the ingredients in the crock pot for Buffalo Chicken this morning! So now we'll be having that tomorrow night and we were able to enjoy our safety meal, homemade pizza and salad, tonight. (Yes. Instead of ordering tacos!)
And just in case you were wondering...
each meal has been DELICIOUS!
Even Mason loved it.
And the leftovers were just as good! (Yes. Diced Pickles on top - just do it!)
It was SUPER COLD in Durham on Monday, so that chowder really hit the spot.
Plus any soup recipe that starts out with crisping bacon in the pot is bound to be good.
This meal was originally supposed to be Buffalo Chicken, but after the spicy Pepper Jack Potato Chowder, we opted to save that (and our heartburn) for another night.
And then tonight was our safety meal: homemade pizza and salad.
No picture there - we ate too fast!
Mason is going through a HUGE mental leap right now, which has been fun....
and challenging.
Sometimes even "helping" can get rascally! We decided to do a family meal tonight since the pizza and salad were so easy to throw together but between feeding myself, feeding Mason, and fending off the dogs, I didn't have a free hand to snap a pic!
I hope your week is going smoothly - we're readying ourselves for potential winter weather this weekend. I'm not worried though, we're fully stocked with wine and gluten free chocolate chip know - just the essentials.