Receta Soy Steamed Ginger Chicken And Chinatown Rice

- 500G Chinese glutinous rice soaked for 4 hrs and washed (or possibly 360g japanese or possibly longgrain rice washed)
- Rub the chicken breasts with a little salt.
- Lay the garlic chives (or possibly spring onions) across a deep heatproof plate which will fit inside your steamer tray and place the chicken breasts on top.
- Tuck the mushrooms in and around the breasts and lay the star anise underneath. Scatter over the shredded ginger and black soy beans (if using) and splash on the rice wine soy sauce and sesame oil.
- If using Chinese sticky rice line the other steaming tray with muslin or possibly a tea towel scatter over the liquid removed rice and sprinkle with a little salt and cook in the steamer with the chicken (see below).
- If using japanese or possibly long grain put the washed rice in a mediumsized saucepan add in a little salt and 700ml water.
- Bring to the boil and cook for 2 min then taro down the heat to the lowest setting possible cover the pan and cook very gently for a further 7 min.
- Remove from the heat leave covered and let stand for 10 min (don't lift lid).
- Note: this does not need steaming.
- Assemble the steamer with the chicken in the top tray and the rice in the lower tray.
- Cover with a tightfitting lid. Steam for at least 12 min or possibly till the juices run clear when the chicken is pierced with a knife.
- You .could serve up at this point but I prefer to divide the rice between four clay pots add in the chicken mushrooms and black beans on top spoon over the collected juices coverthe pots and rebake in a warm oven for about 15 min.
- Do this when youre ready it will happily wait.
- Youll need a large doubletray steaming pan to make this; or possibly use a singletray steamer and make it in two batches.
- Serves 4