Receta Spring Chick Challenge 2012 Weekly Update
I wish last week's weigh-in (and 2 lb. loss) was enough to keep me motivated, but sadly, I just did what I shouldn't and ate what I wanted.
Yesterday, I weighed in and it showed a gain. I was in no way surprised. Maybe a bit disappointed, but really, I expected it. I gained most of those 2 lbs. back.
I hate that this is so hard. It certainly wasn't this difficult gaining all of this weight!
This week will be different. On Sunday, I dug out the Wii and set it up. Today, I want to see if Grace will play with me. I only have 2 discs, but I think I'll start out with the running. I really hope she'll run with me, it might help tire her out, so that her sleep schedule gets better.
All last week, I was back to…