Receta Stick with It! Plus a Cardio/Strength Circuit
How’s your motivation doing?? Still going strong? Are you feeling a little frustrated? Trainer Jani is back this week with some tips to help your goals for a healthier lifestyle going strong! Be sure to check out all of our previous workouts here, and don’t forget to follow us on Instagram!
Spring is just around the corner and we are starting to see glimpses here in Boise with flowers starting to bloom, warmer temperatures, kids wanting to play outside (yay!), and soccer carpools. However, it also means, some of you may be losing momentum with your New Years resolutions/goals/changes that you have set for yourself. I have worked in health clubs for over 20 years and as you probably know, gyms and group exercise classes are always packed in January! It’s great to see so many people excited about making healthier choices and committing to a more active lifestyle at the beginning of the year. But come March…there is a definite decline from the New Years rush. I know that warmer temperatures may get some to take their workouts outside, however, there are many that just seem to lose the motivation they once had a few weeks before. In fact, research suggests that 50% of persons starting an exercise program will dro
p out within the first 6 months! Today I wanted to give you a little motivation to STICK WITH IT!!!! Don’t be one of the exercise drop outs. Here are some things that you might try to keep you in the game.
Refine your goals and make a plan! Maybe your goal at the beginning of the year was to lose 20 pounds. Try being more specific, for instance, set a goal to work out at least 30 minutes per day, 5 days per week. Plan your workouts into your day as you would a business meeting or a doctors appointment. Write it down on your calendar or better yet, set reminders on your smart phone. You’ll see it pop up and give you an extra little nudge to get it done.
Change your perspective. The number one reason for most women to start exercising is to lose weight, and when the numbers don’t drop right away on the scale it is very frustrating. Remember, you didn’t gain 10 lbs in 10 days. It might take a while to come off. In the meantime, focus on the many other benefits of an active lifestyle: Decreased risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, and stroke; decreased risk of colon and breast cancers; decreased risk of diabetes; decreased risk of osteoporosis; Improved strength and endurance; I could go on and on. Bottom line, even though the fat isn’t coming off as fast as you would like, you are still healthier and happier.
Make a vision board. A few weeks ago for a family activity night, I bought poster boards for everyone in the family and collected as many magazines as I could find. We spread them all out on a table and pasted images, people, and quotes, that represent who we want to be and things we want to be a part of our lives. The purpose is to help you visually identify with your goals and keep your attention to your intentions. Hang your vision board where you will see it several times per day.
Reach out to others for support. Get your family and friends involved. Now that warmer weather is around the corner, make plans to go on a family hike or a bike ride. Live an active lifestyle, not just for your own benefit, but so that your kids will follow your example and learn to make exercise a priority in their lives.
We all have setbacks that will get us off track every now and then; sick kids, an injury, pregnancy, vacations, busy schedules, etc, but these should not be an excuse to throw in the towel!! If you have a bad day, or week…or month, it’s okay! You are not alone. Remind yourself of all the reasons why you set your initial goals and use the tips above to re-commit. YOU are worth it. Stay strong!!!!
This week’s workout: a cardio strength circuit. You will need a timer and a set of dumbbells. You will be doing compound strength exercises (movements that require more than 1 joint and more than 1 muscle group) with 2 minute cardio intervals. The cardio intervals can be jump roping, running up and down a case of stairs, a cardio machine, or any movement that makes your heart and lungs work hard! I rotated jump roping, running stairs, and a stationary bike. Whatever you do, I want you to work as hard as you can in those two minutes. You should be breathing hard! The video shows the strength exercises only. You will superset (go back and forth) 2 exercises for 2- 3 sets and then do 2 minutes cardio. Leave a comment if any of this doesn’t make sense, and I will be happy to help you. You will be working up a sweat in no time. Good luck!
Cardio/Strength Circuit
10 -14 Alternating reverse lunge with a dumbbell curl and overhead press
20 dumbbell squat kicks
**Superset above 2-3 times**
2 minutes cardio
10-14 Alternating plank rows/plank knee
10-15 Alternating bicep curls
**Superset above 2-3 times**
2 minutes cardio
10-14 push-up kick
20-30 single leg dips (switch legs each set)
**Superset above 2-3 times**
2 minutes cardio
10-14 DB seated half roll back with twist
15-20 right side plank with front back taps (tap front, back=1)
15-20 left side plank with front back taps
**Superset above (roll backs, ride side plank, left side plank, repeat)**
2 minutes cardio
Cool down and stretch!
Here is a video Reference for all of the moves in this workout. Make sure to click the gear setting in the lower right hand corner and select 1080p for optimal viewing!