Receta Strawberry Jam (using Pectin)
With the last batch of strawberries we got from the farm, I made this Strawberry jam. I had some Pomona's Universal Pectin and I used the recipe from the instruction manual to make this jam. I bought a box of this few years ago and I've made jams using this pectin before and it always worked well for me.
Some people prefer not to add pectin, but I find adding it makes the jam hold its shape better. If you prefer not to use pectin, then feel free to leave it out. Almost all fruits have some level of natural pectin in them that will help them set to make a somewhat firm to very firm jam. Here's a good article to read more on this.
Pectin or no pectin, this is an easy to make jam that keeps in the fridge for up to 3 months. If you are into home canning, then make sure to sterilize and can the jam accordingly. I tried home canning few years ago and without proper equipment, I was left with burnt hands and it was not pleasant. So now I just fill the hot jam into clean glass jars and let it cool completely before storing in the fridge.
- Ingredients: Makes 4~5 cups of jam
- Strawberries - 4~5 cups, chopped
- Sugar - ¾~2cups (½~1cup honey)
- Pectin powder - 2tsp
- Calcium water - 2tsp (recipe follows)
Combine chopped strawberries and calcium water in a medium sauce pan. Bring the mixture to a boil on medium heat.
In the meantime, whisk pectin powder into the sugar or honey and thoroughly mix it.
Once the fruit comes to a boil, add the pectin-sugar (or honey) and stir vigorously for 1~2 minutes until sugar and pectin are dissolved. Return to boil and remove from heat.
Fill clean jars with the jam and once completely cooled, store in the refrigerator for up to 3 months.
To make Calcium Water: Put ½tsp calcium powder and ½cup water in a small, clear jar with lid. Store this mixture in the fridge. It lasts for months. Shake well before using. Discard if settled white powder discolors or mold starts to form.